When you play a song from your Music Library, or import an audio file into Anytune a record is created containing all of your "song data" or configuration, including title, artist, album, duration, settings (tempo, pitch, ...) and marks.
Anytune Mac
On Anytune Mac you can export a text version of your config which includes song title, artist, albums and the marks.
- Choose Anytune manu > File > Confog Export > Export to File...
- Choose the output file name an destination
- Change Format to "txt"
- Click Save
The resulting text file will contain the title, artist, album and Marks for each song in your Tunes list.
Anytune iPhone/iPad
Anytune on iPhone or iPad does not export the songs of a Playlist in a text version.
The information is contained in the Anytune config file but you would need to look through a lot of non-human readable data. You can export an Anytune Config file (anytune-export.atcfg) and use text processing commands to reformat the data to something human readable.
See Sharing and syncing song data for details on exporting the config file.
On iPhone/iPad to file:
- Tap Sharing
- Tap Share Song Settings and Marks
- Choose "All Songs"
- Choose "Email" or "Open-In"
- Tap Share via Email/Open-In and Send Email or Choose destination
The <backup>.atcfg file contains all the data including the Song, Artist and Album but it is buried in all the data.
If you are familiar with command line commands on Mac you could use:
desktop % grep -e '"title"' -e '"albumTitle"' -e '"artist"' <anytune-export>.atcfg
to get:
"albumTitle" : "Anytune's Greatest Hits",
"artist" : "Anytune",
"title" : "Time Slows Down",
"albumTitle" : "Anystone's Greatest Hits",
We hope to include a better solution in an future update.
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