If you are seeing the following message the Anytune database may have become corrupt.
An Error occurred
There was a problem saving, but it was not your fault. An error log will be sent to the developer. Anytune will now cleanup and exit.
Delete Anytune database
To work around get around this problem you will delete the corrupt database and restore your data from a backup, please:
- Right-Click on the Anytune Icon in the Dock and choose Quit
- Open the Finder Select Menu > Go > Go to Folder...
- Enter
~/Library/Containers/com.anystonetech.Anytune-Mac/Data/Library/Application Support/
into the Go to the folder... window and Click the Go button. - Drag the "Auralicty.sqlite" file to the Desktop.
- Start Anytune.
Restore config data from cloud
Next, you will need to restore your data.
- Open Anytune Menu > Config Import > Import from iCloud... .
- Choose the most recent backup that contains all your songs.
- Click Restore All.
This is a work around to get you running. Database corruption should not happen but can happen if your storage is experiencing faults.
Please Report a problem to us and provide as much information as you can, including console logs and the Auralicty.sqlite file you moved to the Desktop if you can.
Please back up your data regularly
Please ensure you Back up your Mac with Time Machine.
You can also save the Anytune Config (settings and marks) to iCloud and to a file.
- Click
> Export to iCloud... - OR - Menu > File > Config Export > Export to iCloud...
- Choose "All Songs", enter a name e.g. "GoodBackup" in the "Save As:" box, and Save.
- Click Menu > File > Config Export > Export to File...
- Enter a name for the file in the "Save As:" box, choose a location and Save.
There are automatic backups but older backups are replaced by newer ones. It is always good to make backups regularly in different places.
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