Anytune can adjust the audio's tempo, pitch, EQ levels, gain, balance/pan, and suppress or enhance frequencies with ReFrame's isolation.
If a song does not sound how you expect you may have one or more audio processing affects on unintentionally.
You can reset all these values to defaults:
iPhone, iPad, iPod touch
- Tap on the Info button on a song in a list
Tap the Title Bar of the current song, to reveal the Tune Info - Tap Reset Music Settings
- Right-Click the Title Bar of the current song
Right-Click on a song in a list - Choose Get Info
- Click Reset Music Settings
Note: These settings will be lost. Do not reset settings you want to keep.
Other things that may affect playback include:
- SkipMarks - which cause playback to jump to the next mark
- ReTune - which allows you to adjust everything at a specific mark
- Looping - which will repeat sections of a song
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