See Folders and Playlists video.
Anytune plays songs and playlists directly from your device's Music Library through the Songs, Playlists, Artists and Albums categories in Anytune.
Anytune cannot add, remove or modify the content in your music library. You can use Apple's Music app or iTunes to manage your music library content including playlists.
You may need to sync your device, or tap the refresh button in Anytune to see these changes in Anytune if using iTunes sync,
See Apple's Create and share playlists.
When you play a song a record it is added to the All Tunes list. The record or "config" saves all the data for that song. Data includes settings (tempo, pitch, ...) marks, notes, lyrics.
Anytune playlists and folders
You can create playlists and folders in Anytune. Anytune playlists can include songs in your device's music library and songs directly imported into Anytune. These playlists and folders are saved as part of Anytune's config data and do not affect the playlists in your device's music library.
You can pull songs into a playlist by going to that Playlist and tapping Ad (Green Plus '+'), or you can push songs to another playlist by editing a playlist and using Move or Copy commands on the current selected song(s).
Create a playlist or folder:
- Tap on the Tunes category.
- Tap the Add (Green Plus '+') button to create a folder or playlist, or to add a song to the current playlist.
- Choose "New Playlist", give it a custom name, and Tap "Create Playlist".
The playlist will now appear in the Tunes view, under Anytune Playlists.
It will NOT appear in your device's music library's Playlists. - Tap the new playlist your created to go to it (it will be empty).
Note: Folders contain playlists and playlists contain songs.
Playlists cannot contain playlists and folders cannot contain songs directly (just like iTunes).
Double Tap category to move to the top of the hierarchy, where you can create folders and playlists.
Automatic Playlists
- All Tunes - contains all songs imported into Anytune
- Marked Tunes - contains songs imported into Anytune that have marks
- Music Library Tunes - contains all songs that are played directly from your device's Music Library. Added in 4.5 to iOS
- Imported Tunes - contains all songs that have been imported into Anytune's private storage. Added in 4.5 to iOS
Add a song to a playlist:
- Tap Tunes category to view existing playlists.
- Tap the playlist to open it.
- Tap Add (+).
- Choose how you would like to add songs to the current Playlist.
(Record, Dropbox, Files Picker, Wifi, Music Library, ...) - Tap the songs to add them. They will be added immediately.
- Tap "Done" when finished.
Double Tap category to move to the top of the hierarchy.
Add the current playing song:
- Tap the song's title bar in the player view to open "Tune Info".
- Tap "Add to a Playlist..." to add the current song to an existing playlist.
- Select an existing playlist. The playlist must already exist.
Add a song from a list:
- Tap the Info button in a song list to open Tune info
- Tap Add to a Playlist... to add the current song to an existing playlist.
- Select an existing playlist.
Note: Add to a Playlist... is not displayed if no Anytune playlists exist.
Change the order of the songs in a Playlist:
Note: You cannot order Playlists in the Playlists category. These are Playlists in your device's Music Library and must be managed from Apple's Music app. Anytune will display the saved order of a Playlist in your music library managed by the Music App. Sorting a playlist by Artist, Album, ... in the Music app is not reflected in Anytune.
On iPhone/iPad:
- Tap the Sort button, and choose "Sort By" method.
- Use "Ascending Sort" toggle to reverse the order
- Choose "Manual" to allow you to drag songs into any order when Editing.
Tap Edit, then drag the songs into the desired order.
On Mac:
Clicking the heading in the title bar in a song list will sort the list by the selected heading value. Clicking the heading twice will alternate between ascending and descending.
To order the list manually:
- Click the first column.
Drag the songs into the order you desire.
Note: Anytune cannot add, delete or modify the contents of your device's music library. Anytune plays songs in the order they appear in your playlists in your music library. Reorder these playlists in the Music app. Sorting a playlist by Artist, Album, ... in the Music app is not reflected in Anytune.
Warning: Shuffle will override the order of playlists. Disable Shuffle to use the order you designed.
Rearrange songs and folders:
- Tap category to view existing playlists and folders.
- Select a playlist or folder.
- Tap Edit.
- Select the songs or playlists, or use Check or No-Check to select all/none.
- Tap Trash to delete the selected items.
- Tap Folder to move or copy
- Select the destination
- Tap Move or Copy
Note: Move and Copy are not enabled if another playlist does not exist.
Sorting songs in a Apple Music playlist (by making a Anytune playlist)
Anytune does not see how a playlist in your music library is sorted (by Artist, Album, ...). You can sort Anytune playlists by Title, Artist, Album, and more.
- Create a new playlist. You can name it similar to the one in your library.
- Add all the songs to this playlist.
You can now use Anytune's sort capabilities on this Anytune playlist.
This playlist is a new Anytune playlist and will not be synced to the original playlist in Apple Music.
Deleting songs
You cannot delete a song from your device's music library. You can delete the Anytune config of that song from the All Tunes playlist. Deleting a song from All Tunes will delete the settings, marks, lyrics of that song that are stored in Anytune's configuration file.
Deleting a song that was imported directly into Anytune through Record, Dropbox, Files Picker, Wifi, Music Library, ... deletes the actual audio file saved in Anytune. The audio file and the Anytune file will be deleted.
When you import a song into Anytune directly it is saved in Anytune and deleting it from "All Tunes" deletes the audio file and all the saved configuration (settings, marks, ...).
Deleting a song from a Playlist will not delete it from "All Tunes" or from Anytune. It will be deleted from the playlist only.
To delete a song:
- Swipe Left on the Song in a list and Tap Delete.
- Tap the Info Button and Tap the Delete Button.
- From the Playback view, Tap the Song Title bar and Tap the Delete Button.
To delete a Folder or Playlist:
- Swipe Left on the Playlist or Folder in a list and Tap the Delete button that appears
or - Tap Edit, select multiple Folders or Playlists and then Tap the Trash Can to delete them all.
There are some settings that affect how a playlist plays.
In Settings > Playback Options:
- Playlist Repeat - Enable to continue playback at the first song when the end of the playlist is reached.
- Stop at End of Track - Enable to stop playback when the end of the rack is reached.
- Move to the Next Track - Enable to go to the next track after stopping at the end of the track.
This is only available when Stop at End of Track is enabled.
Why Move to the Next Track?
First you Enable "Stop at End of Track". The playhead stops at the end of the track. If "Move to the Next Track" is enabled the playhead moves to the beginning of the next song. If it is NOT enabled the playhead moves to the beginning of the current song.
This might be used if you were working your way through a set list if songs. The music would stop at the end of the song and then pressing play would start the next song. Use Remote Control for performances.
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