This only applies to people who are trying to purchase Anytune for the first time. Once you own Anytune you can always download the latest version supported on your device from the App Store.
See Install an app on an earlier version of iOS or OS X and If there's an issue when you redownload apps.
Try Anytune for 30 days
Download Anytune Mac Trial Versions and try all the features including ReFrame, LiveMix, MIDI control, scrolling lyrics, PlayNext and more FREE for thirty days.
- If you are running macOS 10.14.6 Download Anytune 2.4.1 Trial
- If you are running macOS 10.13.6 Download Anytune 2.3.9 Trial
- If you are running macOS 10.13.5 or earlier Download Anytune 2.2 Trial
Have an older device but you still want Anytune?
You would like to get a copy of Anytune, but the App Store tells you Anytune is not supported on your device. You don't want to upgrade, and you know there is a version of Anytune that will run on your device. See Compatibility with operating system versions.
What can you do? ➜ You can purchase the current version of Anytune on a supported device and then download the last version compatible with your older device once it is already purchased.
- On iPhone, iPad or iPod touch you can 🎁 Gift Anytune Pro+ to yourself.
On Mac (and iPhone/iPad) you can purchase Anytune using your AppleID on a supported (friend's) devices. - Once you own Anytune, you can download the last supported version for your older device.
Note: Anytune (Mac) and Anytune (iOS for iPhone/iPad) are two distinct products sold in different online stores provided by Apple. They are two separate products that run on different systems.
An Anytune Pro+ for iPhone/iPad license will not allow you to download Anytune Mac.
Apple's App Store allows developers to make one and only one version of an app available for purchase. Apple's App Store will allow you to download previous versions of an app, if and only if you have already purchased the app. The App Store does not allow purchasing legacy / previous versions from the App Store. ☹️
Note: Older versions of Anytune will not have the latest features. We cannot deliver features, enhancements or fixes to older versions. You will be able to upgrade Anytune on your newer devices.
Anytune for iPhone/iPad
Gift the latest version of Anytune for iPhone, iPad or iPod touch
You can gift yourself Anytune Pro+, and once you own it download the latest supported version for your device. You cannot gift Anytune Free. See Send a gift from the App Store and .
- Open the App Store app and find Anytune Pro+, or click this link on your iOS device.
- Tap the Share button then tap Gift App .
Send gift to your own Email that is available on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. - Open Gift email from Apple, and copy the redemption code.
Do not touch the "Redeem Now" button! You must redeem the code manually. - Open the App Store app, Tap Today and then the sign-in button or your photo.
- Tap Redeem Gift Card or Code and paste the redemption code from the Gift Email.
Follow the instructions to install the latest supported version of Anytune for your device. 😃
Anytune Mac
Purchase Anytune for Mac on supported Mac, then download the last supported version for your legacy Mac
You can purchase the latest version of Anytune Mac on a friend's Mac that meets the minimum requirements for the version in the App Store. You will then be able to download the last supported version on your older Mac that does not meet the Store requirements. .
You must be logged into the Mac App Store with your AppleiD when you make the purchase.
- Open theMac App Store app on your friend's newer Mac.
- Sign Out of your friends AppleID and Sign In with your AppleID.
- Purchase Anytune Mac using your AppleID.
- Note: If your friend has Anytune installed on their Mac, you will need to delete it to make the purchase. Go to your Applications folder and move "" to Trash. Anytune's data is stored in a container, and is not removed when you delete the App.
- Sign Out of your AppleID in theMac App Store on your friends Mac.
Let them Sign In again with their Apple ID- If you deleted your friend's Go to your Applications folder and move the new "" to Trash. Re-install Anytune Mac using you your Friend's AppleID. They will get the latest version available.
- You can now download the last supported version compatible on all your Macs. See Re-install Anytune Mac or Apple's Reinstall apps purchased from the App Store on Mac.
You can use this same procedure for purchasing Anytune for iPhone, and iPad too. On a friend's device Sign In to the App Store with your AppleID and purchase Anytune Pro+. Then you will be able to download the last compatible version on your older device.
You can Request a refund from Apple if there is trouble.
Anytune (iOS) is a Universal app that you can buy once and download to all your iOS devices using the same Apple ID. Anytune (Mac) can be installed on all Mac computers you own using the same Apple ID used to make the original purchase. You will be able to upgrade Anytune on your newer devices.
- In computing terms, the word legacy is used to describe outdated or obsolete technology and equipment that is still being used. Legacy implies that the system is out of date or in need of replacement, however it may be in good working order so the owner does not want to upgrade or update the equipment. Typically support is not available for legacy systems and applications. ref
I have been an anytune user since 2015. I currently run macOS High Sierra version 10.13.6. I cannot upgrade my macOS due to some incompatibilities in plugins that i use in Protools. This past week I updated anytune, and it won't open anymore. Tried to download an older version of anytune in the App Store, when i click the update button it shows the following message: "The current version requires OS X 10.14.6 or later, but you can download the lates compatible version"; the message has 2 buttons "Cancel" and "Download", when I click download nothing happens and I'm in an infinite loop until I click cancel. Please Help!
Very sorry for the trouble.
We maintain support for as many past macOS versions as we can.
Anytune 2.3.9 supports macOS 10.13.6.
We had hoped Anytune 2.4 could would support macOS 10.13.6 as well, but there is a problem. The problem you encountered. :( We are investigating the supporting for macOS 10.13.6, but it appears this may not be possible.
Please restore 2.3.9 from Time Machine if you can. Anytune 2.3.9 may be the last version for macOS 10.13.6.
We will include 10.13.6 as a compatible OS in the future if we find a way.
You will now have Anytune 2.3.9 back.
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