We are sorry that you are experiencing a problem with Anytune. We are happy to help. If you have a problem, question or suggestion for Anytune please contact us anytime!
Please see our Troubleshooting Anytune (iOS) for things to try to get you going quickly.
Please use the in-app support link in Anytune:
- > Email Support
Tap then on your phone
The draft Email will include your hardware and software versions automatically and may also include debugging information.
Please also include the steps you performed to reproduce the problem. Tell us what you observed and what you expected. Details of your setup and configuration, and a crash file (if it exists) will help.
Screen recording
Sending us a screen capture or recording of the problem could be very helpful. See How to record the screen on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. You can send large files to our Dropbox folder: https://www.dropbox.com/request/agbW7jtLQqO2rFLz3zN7
Tune Info
Providing the Tune Info information can be helpful for debugging songs that will not play.
- Tap Details icon in a All Tunes list
Load the song and Tap the Title Bar in the player
to reveal the Tune Info - Scroll down to the Audio File info. Include this in a screen recording.
If we can reproduce the problem in our lab we will be able to find a solution much quicker.
We really appreciate you taking the time to report an issue.
You can also use our Contact Form or email us at support@anytune.app.
File and Settings
If a particular file is causing trouble please send us the audio file and settings:
- Play (load) the song that is causing the crash, disable looping.
- Tap the sharing button
Reveal the Share button on the iPhone by tapping Menu Button . - Choose "Export Song"
- Select "Original Song"
- Select "Email"
- Tap the "Export File via Email" button to send the file.
A draft including the audio file and settings (atcfg) will be created in the Mail app. -
Send the Email to support@anytune.app
Config Data
Your config data (settings, marks, lyrics) could be helpful in debugging a problem.
- Tap Sharing
- Tap "Share Song Settings and Marks"
- Choose "All Songs"
- Choose "Email"
- Tap Share via Email/Open-In and send the Email to support@anytune.app
Crash Reports
If Anytune crashes (dies and needs to be restarted) please send a copy of the crash log. This will help us debug the issue and fix it in a future update. Please also include the steps you performed to reproduce the crash.
- Open Settings app
- Tap Privacy
- Tap Analytics
- Tap Analytics Data
- Select a file that has "Anytune" in it. Example: "Anytune-YYYY-MM-DD-######.ips"
- Tap Share
- Choose Mail
- Send the Email to support@anytune.us
iOS 10.2 and earlier
- Go to Diagnostics & Usage
- Locate the log for the crashed app. The logs will be named in the format:
Anytune……_DateTime_DeviceName - Select the desired log. Then, using the text selection UI, select the entire text of the log
- "Double Tap and Drag" from the start of the log and hold near the bottom of the screen until the entire log is selected
- Once the text is selected, tap Share and choose Mail
- Send the Email to support@anytune.us.
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