- Open the
App Store app on your Mac.
- Click
All apps that have updates are listed. - Tap Update button.
New Install
- Open the
App Store app on your Mac.
- Search for "Anytune"
Download Anytune
You must be signed in to the same AppleID you used to make the original purchase. Once you own Anytune you should always be able download the latest supported version for your device from the Mac App Store.
Normally, Apple will not allow you to purchase something you already own. You should see Download instead of a price in the store.
In rare occurrences, or if you delete Anytune, you may need to reboot your Mac and/or logout/in of your App Store app before the App Store app realizes Anytune can be downloaded again.
- Open App Store app
- Menu > Store > Sign Out
(Restart your Mac) - Menu > Store > Sign In
You can delete and reinstall Anytune without losing your data.
- Go to your Applications folder and move "Anytune.app" to Trash
- Open the App Store app and Download Anytune
How to completely uninstall Anytune
The Anytune application/program is in your Applications folder and is called "Anytune.app".
Anytune's data is stored in a container, and is not removed when you delete the App. This container includes song meta data including marks, settings, lyrics, and audio files that you have imported directly into Anytune.
~/Library/Containers/Anytune (Big Sur and greater)
- Stop Anytune. Select Anytune Menu > Quit Anytune
- Copy Imported audio files from the Anytune Container
~/Library/Containers/com.anystonetech.Anytune-Mac/Data/Library/Private Documents/
to temporary folder - Open the Finder. Select Menu > Go > Go to Folder... and enter ~/Library/Containers/
- Move "Anytune" or "com.anystonetech.Anytune-Mac" to another folder (Desktop) to be moved to another computer or for re-installation
Move "Anytune" or "com.anystonetech.Anytune-Mac" to Trash - Go to your Applications folder and move "Anytune.app" to Trash
- Restart your Mac
- Re-install Anytune from the Mac App Store. See New Install
Restore you config data
You can restore your restore your data from iCloud.
- Import files copied from the Anytune Container into a into Anytune.
- Open Anytune Menu > Config Import > Import from iCloud... .
- Choose the most recent backup that contains all your songs.
- Click Restore All.
You can also return the "com.anystonetech.Anytune-Mac" container back to ~/Library/Containers/.
Also can use PowerMyMac to completely uninstall Anytune.
We cannot confirm PowerMyMac's operation, but it should have no trouble finding the container. It is not hidden, linked to the app and has Anytune inits name.
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